Intermediate Microeconomics
This course provides students with a foundational study of the concepts and theories underlying individual choice, economic interactions in markets and public organizations. The approach combines economic intuition with a rigorous treatment of concepts taught in introductory economics. Students will learn a set of analytical tools, including marginal analysis, and be equipped with the knowledge to take advanced courses. the applicability of the concepts to practical situations and linkages to various economics fields will be discussed.
Intermediate Macroeconomics
This course aims to provide you with a deep understanding of (i) macroeconomic phenomena such as business cycles, growth and development, as well as (ii) macroeconomic policy issues such as the impact of tax cuts on the economy, or the conduct of fiscal and monetary policy over the business cycle. To that aim students will be introduced to modern macroeconomic theory which requires getting ourselves familiar with formal macroeconomic models built on microfoundations. Students will then use these newly acquired tools to make sense of macroeconomic events, as well as analyze carefully the impact of some macroeconomic policies on the economy and their welfare implications.
International Economics
This course aims to equip business students with the basic knowledge and skill to analyze international economic issues. Such issues broadly fall into two categories. The first category is concerned with commodity (goods and services) trade. Why to countries trade? Why do some countries export cars, and some other countries export hospital services? What does the rapid rise of China and India imply for future patterns of world trade, investment, and comparative advantage? The second category of issues is concerned with monetary/financial payments. Two of the most important prices affecting business decisions are the foreign exchange rate and the rate of interest.