Person Detail

Chieh Hsu

Chieh Hsu

Chieh Hsu

Prof. Dr.

Assistant Professor

St.Gallen Institute of Management in Asia
110 Amoy Street #03-01
069930 Singapore
Main Focuses

Intercultural Competence

International Migration

Family, Employment, and Life Course Trajectories

Further fields of research

Intercultural Dynamics and Relationships

Family and Migration

Gender and Welfare

Regimes and Institutions

Ethnic Relations

  • Heidelberg University (2018)
    Dr. rer. pol. in Sociology (summa cum laude)
  • Brown University (2010)
    Master of Public Policy
  • National Taiwan University (2007) 
    BA in Foreign Languages and Literatures & Minor in International Relations
Teaching Activities
  • Asia Term (Bachelor Level)

Doctoral Thesis Award of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Heidelberg University (2021)

Additional Information

Prof. Dr. Chieh Hsu is an Assistant Professor in Intercultural Competence at the St.Gallen Institute of Management in Asia (SGI-HSG). She leads and coordinates research activities at the Center for Intercultural Competence at SGI, as well as offering Business Study Missions as part of the Asia Term (Bachelor Level). In addition, she is a faculty member of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS-HSG) at the University of St.Gallen. 


Chieh completed her doctorate on the topic of highly skilled female family migrants in Germany at the Max-Weber-Institute for Sociology at Heidelberg University in 2018. With a keen interest in cross-cultural comparative research, Chieh joined the Global Asia Research Center and the Department of Sociology at National Taiwan University as a Researcher in 2019. She worked closely with scholars on migration-themed projects across various disciplines, such as law, political science, geography, bio-industry communication and development, and social work. She also taught joint courses and organized student seminars on social comparison in East Asian societies with academic partners at Seoul National University and Kyoto University. 


Prior to starting her doctoral studies in Germany, she had worked as a business analyst in GIS (Geographic Information System) consulting in Taipei and a communication officer at an EU regional council in Brussels. A Taiwanese national, Chieh grew up passionate about learning and experiencing new cultures and languages. She sees Singapore as the perfect spot to maintain ties to her Asian roots and European education.
